“I was arrested a number of times...
I never thought in terms of fear.
I thought in terms of justice.”
– Emma Tenayuca
Beloved Community,
Action under oppression is an audacious demonstration of faith in community. We do this because the consequences of not acting are too great. Rent is too high, deportations tear families apart, we can’t feed our children, healthcare is still inaccessible, and disaster response systems remain inadequate.
Our vision is to seed an intergenerational and multiracial network ready to demand dignified working and living conditions. We organize for structural change and build new systems of self-governance, rooted in belonging, that keep us safe.
This year, our leaders grew this vision of people power:
We organized the North Bay’s only deep canvassing program, hearing the concerns of 5,000 folks while door knocking before, during, and after the election
Spanish-speaking parents successfully rose to demand the reinstatement of the only bilingual specialist in their school district, and
We set national precedent with the first disaster-triggered tenant protection ordinance in the country and more. See our milestones below.
Since 2017, under extraordinary circumstances, including historic wildfires, floods and a misogynistic, white supremacist administration, our leaders organized for radical change. We developed the tri-County North Bay Rapid Response Network, co-founded UndocuFund, the first of its kind in the country, and co-founded the California UndocuFund Network. We won tenant protections, language justice, and immigrant defense policies. And we will do it again.
We’ve been sharpened for this moment.
By investing in us, you affirm that another world is possible – one that centers joy, healing, and action.
Join us and find your political home with NBOP.
Belén Lopez-Grady,

Milestones: Emergent Visions in Action

Bilingually trained 40 grassroots leaders in our first weeklong organizing training.

Built County-wide network of mobile home parks to end abuse by their corporate landlord.

Organized 2-week
youth leadership training led by majority BIPOC & LGBTQIA+ facilitators.

Cultivated collective governance structure for County’s first Indigenous, Latine Agrarian Land Trust.

Organized our third annual Renters Assembly to inspire action on rent strikes and community control of land.
Tenants & Disasters

Sonoma County renters win first in the nation eviction protections during declared disasters and emergencies
Language Justice

Immigrant moms organized and won language justice demands at their school, re-instating the bilingual cultural and language liaison
All voters of the New American Majority in Sonoma County engaged
Doors knocked in historically disenfranchised neighborhoods
Hours training resilient leaders in community organizing
Trainings developing leadership among
youth of color across 10 campuses
Organizations activated in coalitions for structural change
Direct actions organized by our leaders to contest for power
Spanish-speaking frontline leaders trained
in worker cooperatives and collective governance
Click "CC" to turn on closed captioning, or watch on YouTube at the following link: Who are we? We're NBOP!
Our work depends 100% on your generous support. All of this is only possible with you.
Join one of our task forces and initiatives and become a leader in your community.
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