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24 HOUR HOTLINE: 707-800-4544

The Rapid Response Network provides a way for people to respond to fear and anxiety in our community as a result of the increase in immigration enforcement, ICE raids and other attacks against our communities. The network provides a 24-hour hotline to immigrants facing a raid by federal immigration agents, dispatches trained legal observers to the raid location, provides legal defense to affected communities, and offers accompaniment to victims and families following a raid


Our mission is to mobilize an emergency response network, serve as witnesses to immigration enforcement actions, uphold the rights of immigrants, and provide services to affected North Bay residents.

Are you interested in backing up our immigrant neighbors? Get trained up as a Legal Observer! 

The legal observation team is made up of MigraWatch-trained observers who respond directly to the site of an ongoing ICE raid. Observers bear witness to immigration enforcement actions and provide data for the network and the victim’s legal defense.


The accompaniment team has made a long-term commitment to be present for the victims and involved in the work. These teams will work to support the victims with presence to their needs— rides, connecting to social services, food, making appointments, housing, etc.


Several of our network organizations host know-your-rights trainings for immigrants. These events are in Spanish or English & Spanish and cover a broad range of topics including power of attorney, DACA renewal, and what to do if immigration is at your door.


Lawyers from across the North Bay have offered their services to undocumented immigrants who have been apprehended and/or charged by federal immigration enforcement. When the hotline is activated, the lawyers are notified and begin the process of legal aid.


North Bay Rapid Response Network: Napa, Solano and Sonoma Counties

24 HOUR HOTLINE: 707-800-4544

Here in Sonoma County we embrace our common humanity. Immigrant communities are deeply rooted in our county's social fabric. We know that immigrants are a vital part of our families and communities. We firmly believe all people are created equal, and every human being deserves due process, no matter what they look like or where they were born.


  1. If you have witnessed potential ICE arrests or activity, please call 707.800.4544 - the Rapid Response hotline. Record and document as much specific information as possible.

  2. The hotline is staffed by immigrant rights advocates and will connect to teams of trained legal observers and immigration attorneys who will investigate reports of ICE raids. If you are a primary witnesses to a possible ICE raid, we need you to come forward.

  3. When talking to or in front of law enforcement, anything you say can and will be used against you – don’t share your name, do not show any identification, especially your foreign passport, AB 60 license, or consular card. Don’t talk about your immigration status, citizenship, when or how you came to the U.S., or where you’re from. If arrested, remain calm, and do not sign anything. Request to speak to an attorney.


It is critical that our community remembers the importance of Power over Panic. Please verify before you post or share. Rumors about raids can spread like wildfire and create confusion and trauma.





No conteste ninguna pregunta


LLAME AL: 707-800-4544

La Red de Respuesta Rápida le puede ayudar durante y después del incidente.



Sin abrir la puerta, páselo por debajo de la puerta o muéstrela por la ventana.



Tiene el derecho de hablar con un abogado. Podemos ayudarle.


Know Your Hotline

Bay Area​​

Marin Rapid Response Network

  • Hotline: 415-991-4545


Stand Together Contra Costa


San Francisco Rapid Response Network

  • Hotline: 415-200-1548

  • Website:​​​​​​


San Mateo County Rapid Response Network

  • Hotline: 203-666-4472


Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network


Alameda County: Hotline coming soon.
Current option for reporting immigration enforcement activity: Centro Legal de la Raza 

  • Operating Hours: 9AM - 5PM

  • Phone Number: (510) 437-1554 

  • Website:



Other Northern & Central California​

Centro del Pueblo Rapid Response Network (Humboldt County)


Kern County Rapid Response Network


North Bay Rapid Response Network (Sonoma, Napa & Solano Counties)


Sacramento Rapid Response Network (Sacramento, Yolo, Placer, El Dorado, Nevada, Yuba, Sutter, Colusa, Butte and rural areas North without a more local hotline)


Santa Cruz County: Your Allied Rapid Response Network & Pajaro Valley Rapid Response


Valley Watch Rapid Response Network (Fresno, San Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus, and Kern Counties)

  • Hotline: 559-206-0151​​​​​​​



Los Angeles​

Koreatown Rapid Response Network

  • Hotline: 323-894-1504


Los Angeles Raids and Rapid Response Network

  • Hotline: 888-624-4752​​​​​​



San Diego

San Diego Rapid Response Network



Other Southern California

Immigrant Defenders Law Center Rapid Response Legal Resource Hotline (Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and Imperial counties)


Inland Coalition For Immigrant Justice – Emergency Response Network (San Bernardino & Riverside Counties)


Orange County Rapid Response Network


Southern Central Coast Rapid Response Network (Santa Barbara, Ventura & San Luis Obispo Counties)

Sign up for Legal Observer Training
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