Renters in the City of Petaluma are at risk of being evicted without just cause!
Under Petaluma's current Just Cause ordinance:
if a tenant is evicted due to no fault of their own, they must receive financial assistance with relocation, and
if a landlord attempts to evict a tenant without a just cause, the tenant has a right to fight it in court.
Where and when do we need people to show up to win these protections permanently?
Petaluma City Hall (11 English Street)
Monday, April 17th at 5:30 pm
Why is Just Cause important?
It helps…
provide housing stability to renters.
prevent homelessness.
protect children from trauma and promote their mental and physical health as well as their educational success.
protect women, children, and other potential victims from domestic abuse.
achieve more racial equity.
prevent displacement, which helps mitigate the climate impacts of long commutes.
stabilize neighborhoods and communities.
working people to stay gainfully employed in good union jobs.
tenants to live with less fear and chronic stress, encouraging them to speak up about the need for repairs or other necessary improvements without fear of eviction.
landlords to do right by their tenants and abide by a strong moral code of mutual compassion, care, and responsibility.
How can I help/get involved?
Join us for the rally and meeting on Monday, Apr 17, 2023, at 5:30 pm
Spread the word!
Join us for lobby visits with City Council members! Contact Diana.
Email the Petaluma City Council and their staff.
Any questions, comments, or concerns?
Contact Diana Kingsbury at
(707) 324-9791 and/or email dkingsbury@northbayop.org