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Somos Tierra: Sowing a Just Future

Somos Tierra was born from the need and demand for the liberation of the land from the market, from the resistance and struggle of those of us who have been dispossessed and displaced from our lands.


Somos Tierra seeks to ensure that Indigenous and Latine farmworkers from Sonoma County regain stewardship of the land for cultural affirmation, ceremonies, sowing and harvesting according to our ancestral knowledge, and healing collectively by reconnecting with the land. Somos Tierra will be the first land-holding collective in Sonoma County that is dreamt, designed, and directed by and for Latine and Indigenous campesinos.


The seeds we sow:

  • We believe land is at the center of all struggles: racial justice, immigrant justice, labor justice, housing justice, climate justice

  • We commit to collective governance over corporate ownership

  • We are the solution to, rather than the effect of, climate disasters

  • We are redefining belonging and public good

  • We heal together with the earth and connect with our ancestors.


Somos Tierra reaffirms a clear distribution of work, care, protection, and relationship to the land that doesn’t rely on extraction and profit. We dare to transform our existing relationships to land by transferring it from the market, back into the hands of those who steward the land using ancestral knowledge and wisdom.


To support or learn more about this work, please reach out to

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